Alchemy of Supply (CD)
D11009: Fiats and decrees for abundance led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
1. Preamble to Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00), (0:55)
2. Abundance of Every Good and Perfect Gift (Decree 55.00, 45x), (11:24)
3. Preamble to Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01), (0:49)
4. Lights Treasures (Decree 55.01, 45x), (13:16)
5. And in full Faith, (0:17)
6. I AM the Light of the Heart (Decree 0.07A, 45x), (11:00)
7. Father-Mother Light Mantra (Decree 20.21, 45x) , (7:44)
8. And in full Faith?, (0:24)
9. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of my finances (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 1, 45x), (7:29)
10. Preamble to Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02), (0:42)
11. Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion (Decree 6.02 3x, verse no. 9 given 9x with each of the nine endings), (8:54)
12. And in Full Faith, (0:20)
13. I AM! I AM! I AM! the Resurrection and the Life of Church Universal and Triumphant finances and my own! (3x) Now made manifest in my hands and use today! (Decree 55.02, mantra no. 2, 33x), (9:12)
14. Supply from Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees (Decree 1.30, 45x), (7:05)
15. And in full Faith, (0:20)
Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes
"The idea is with all of us giving this tape, half of it or the whole tape, every day, we certainly expect the heavens to open and the supply to descend. So this is an alchemy that we are doing together. I am very grateful that we now have this tape and that all of you will make use of it in your life for precipitation and prove the Lord as he is proving us. "Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 11, 1993
Original format: 1993 audio cassette tape
Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.
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Ashram Rituals 2 CDs
These six rituals are designed to link "hearts worldwide in a ritual of scheduled group meditations."
The Unison Ritual
Great Central Sun Ritual
Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will
Sacred Ritual for Soul Purification
Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work
Sacred Ritual for Oneness
The Work of the Father and the Son: Mantrams from Jesus Life
The Ashram of Morya El is one answer to the call of unascended lifestreams who desire to reduce world suffering and serve the cause of world awakening. It carries a message full of hope to brothers small and great on earth. It opens a door that no man can shut and establishes a shining pathway for souls to reach up beyond the seemingly silent veil into the realm of pure Love. Here the care of the one Father is manifest for all his children, who were created to inherit the blessings of his kingdom.-Mark L. Prophet
"Thus, the Ashram is indeed a means to an end, and that end is total identification with the Word of God. It is the strengthening of hearts that we seek, and ritual has evermore been the means to that end. The ritual itself does increase the capacity of the individual to hold mighty currents of energy. As the capacity does increase, you are transformed. Rituals are self-transforming.
Listen as I give them with you through the Messenger. Listen to the quality of the voice of Lanello and of myself as you hear the fervor of love and realize that the Messenger is teaching you by example how to create a chalice for Light from the recitation of the Word.
The mere repetition of words will not suffice in this pursuit. Every word you speak, even as you hear me speaking now, is put forth with a power, with a fervor of adoration and gratitude to God. In fact, our spoken word does carry all of our being and the stamp of our individuality. So when you recite your rituals, may the sacred fire breath carry into your words the Light of your heart.
When these words are sent forth, there is no ending to them. They cross the Matter spheres and bless all Life. Such is the nature of the word of the Guru! Emulate this delivery, beloved, in your Ashram rituals so that your words, as cups of Light moving on a conveyor belt, shall reach millions of hearts of Light, never stopped by distance; for these words given in this fashion travel beyond ordinary wavelengths of sound.
There is indeed the Light and Sound Ray whereby the words of the Guru are carried wherever in the universe the Guru is manifest as God. And they are shuttled across the skies from star to star, and all who are chelas of the will of God who have reached a certain level of attainment listen with the inner ear for the conveyances of the Word as Power, the Word as Teaching, the Word as Love, the Word as the exegesis on the Law itself and the scriptures of East and West."-El Morya,
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 33 No. 34.
2 Audio CDs, 2:08 hrs. This audio CD set is the companion product for the Booklet
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Mark's Movie
Mighty footprints in the sands of life has our messenger left, and all who are wise will seek them out and place their feet in that unmistakable, clearly marked pathway that he has shown ... He walked the solitary path, and he walked the path of union with the hearts of all mankind. He bore his brother's burden, and he counted not the cost of giving his all to all who came for counsel, for comfort, for convincing in the Law.
- El Morya
He was and is our ever-present Guru.
1 DVD; 51 min.
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