Kindness is a series of actions that go forth from your loving thoughts and feelings. And the circles of your kindness never cease even as the rings of the stone thrown in the pond go to the very edges of creation.
In today's fast-paced world we all need a simple way to quickly step out of day-to-day experiences and into a place that will renew and inspire us. The "Gardens of the Heart" series is a collection of meaningful quotes from Elizabeth Clare Prophet that can lift your spirit, open your understanding and gently guide you to the garden within your own heart. "Compassion" is the author’s second book in this beautiful new series.
Bring joy to your life, joy to your family and even joy to your goldfish. Be a dispenser of joy. Then, when people see you coming, they’ll say, “Why, the sun just came out!” And that will be the truth because joy is the sunshine of your heart. Joy, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, is something precious that is without price, for it comes directly from the heart.
In today's fast-paced world we all need a simple way to quickly step out of day-to-day experiences and into a place that will renew and inspire us. The "Gardens of the Heart" series is a collection of meaningful quotes from Elizabeth Clare Prophet that can lift your spirit, open your understanding and gently guide you to the garden within your own heart. "Forgiveness" is the author’s first book in this beautiful new series.
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