Finding A Higher Love: Spiritual Guide to Transforming Relationships

In Finding a Higher Love, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners.


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In Finding a Higher Love, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners.

Every relationship has its challenges — whether we find ourselves with our soul mate, twin flame, or what she calls a karmic partner. And yet, she explains, our intimate relationships and search for true love are, in reality, a quest for wholeness that offers us a unique opportunity for deep spiritual growth and inner transformation.

Exploring the real purpose and power of relationships, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings profound insights, as well as her practical tools and techniques, to show you how to open your heart, spiritualize your partnerships, and magnetize the highest love that is yours to have.

Weight 0,29 kg


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