Decrees and Songs with Mark L. Prophet
Mark Prophet walked before us a a friend on the spiritual path. This album is a wonderful way to connect with Mark's heart, experience his joy, and let him teach you how to decree.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, "This is a very, very special album, because it transfers an enormous quantity of Mark's causal body by the fact that his spoken Word is on it."
Two Audio CDs, 2 hours 38 minutes. Devotional Pace.
Disc 1
1. Decree 0.01 - Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree 3:27
2. Decree 1.01 - Call to the Fire Breath 2:45
3. Decree 1.30 - Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees 6:31
4. Decree 4.01 - Decree for the Worlds children 3:21
5. Decree 5.00 - Six Mighty Cosmic Light calls 2:59
6. Decree 6.03 - Protection of the Beloved Messengers 5:29
7. Decree 7.08 - World Peace 3:20
8. Decree 7.11 - Entity Decree 9:30
9. Decree 7.22 - Friends of Freedom 3:58
10. Decree 7.29 - Great Karmic Board 3:56
11. Decree 8.01 - Forget Me Not 1:49
12. Decree 10.07 - I AM Michael, Michael, Michael! 2:29
13. Decree 10.08 - The Great Divine Director 2:13
14. Decree 10.09 - El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power 2:35
15. Decree 10.13 - Beloved Surya 2:02
16. Decree 20.00 - Invocation of Illumination 4:02
17. Decree 30.02 - Introit to the Holy Christ Self 1:42
18. Decree 30.03 - Adoration to God 2:59
19. Decree 30.09 - Prayer to the World Mother 3:02
20. Decree 30.11 - Behold Love! 2:06
21. Decree 40.07 - Goddess of Purity 2:06
22. Decree 40.08 - Decree to the Queen of Light 2:06
23. Decree 50.04 - I Seek Thee 2:45
24. Decree 50.05 - Beloved Cyclopea, Beholder of Perfection 2:21
Disc 1, 1 hour 20 minutes
Disc 2
1. Decree 60.00 - Beloved Flame of Resurrection, 1:36
2. Decree 60.01 - Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ, 0:55
3. Decree 70.11 - I AM the Violet Flame, 2:34
4. Decree 70.12 - Radiant Spiral Violet Flame, 1:54
5. Decree 70.17 - Violet-Purple-Pink, 1:54
6. I AM a Being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires!, 1:22
7. A Story of El Morya When He Was Embodied as Thomas Moore, 3:25
8. Song 2 - Glory Be to the Father, 1:49
9. Song 416 - The Great Divine Director, 3:02
10. Song 599 - Be Still and Know, 3:46
11. Song 37 - Deep In My Heart, 3:48
12. Song 358 - Dear Silent Watcher, 4:14
13. Song 462 - My Wonderful One, 3:33
14. Song 45 - Glory and Praise, 2:33
15 Song 123 - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, 3:31
16. Song 25 - I AM the Tree of Life, 2:59
17. Song 33 - O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life, 4:13
18. Song 476 - Goddess of Light, 3:59
19. Song 419 - Beloved Nada, Our Chohan Divine, 2:54
20. Song 224 - All Hail, Mighty Serapis Bey, 5:26
21. Song 682 - Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, 1:32
22. Song 686 - God Bless America, 2:20
23. Song 146 - The Birthday of a King, 3:19
24. Song 73 - How Great Thou Art, 3:35
25. Song 601 - You Are a Child of the Light, 2:13
26. Song 64 - God, God, God!, 1:17
27. Song 198 - El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power, 4:28
Disc 2: 1 hour 18 minutes
Two Audio CDs, 2 hours 38 minutes
NOTE: These decrees and songs by Mark Prophet are available in MP3 format on Album 5 of "Discourses on Cosmic Law" #M12005.DG12003
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Decrees & Songs of the 2th Ray
Prayers, decrees and songs to the Archangel and Masters of Wisdom for world peace, illumined action and the guidance of the youth of the world. Booklet of words included. Medium pace.
- Lanto, Beloved Lanto 3:30
- Preamble to: Invocation of Illumination 1:41
- Invocation of Illumination 20:31
- And in full Faith... 0:27
- God and Goddess Meru 2:44
- Golden Waves of Peace 5:56
- And in full Faith... 0:24
- Helios and Vesta! 2:30
- Preamble to: Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 1:13
- Balance the Threefold Flame in Me! 7:51
- And in full Faith... 0:31
- Lanto's Prayer 1:12
- Beloved Lanto, Lead Us to Shamballa Again 5:07
- Preamble to: Call for Illumination 0:49
- Call for Illumination 5:12
- And in full Faith... 0:24
- Seven Calls for Illumined Action 3:02
- Blaze Illumination's Flame Thru Us 2:10
- Glorious Apollo and Lumina 3:01
"Freedom is always hard won, as is true illumination. Therefore the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas have raised up the kindling fire of the crown; and we bring our crown chakras as we walk, almost physical, through the earth this day, those Buddhas in heaven and all of their disciples. And the fire of our crown chakras is as the fire of a candle and we make ourselves fiery candles walking, walking through the earth.
I bid you, then, take the tape of decrees on the Second Ray of illumination that we have called for and that is now manifest and I also bid you, as a messenger of the Eightfold Path and of the Inner Buddha and of the Holy Christ Self, vow to carry that flame of wisdom, of illumination (which is of wise dominion and of illumined action). Messengers are ye all of the Middle Way, tethering not to the right or to the left of the world's various isms but knowing that Truth is above them all." - Gautama Buddha,
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 29
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