The celestial hierarchy is a universal chain of individualized God-free beings fulfilling the attributes and aspects of God's infinite Self. Included in the cosmic hierarchical plan are; Solar Logoi, Elohim, Sons and Daughters of God, ascended and unascended masters with their circles of chelas of Light, nature spirits (called elementals) and twin souls of the Alfa-Omega polarity that sponsors the planetary and galactic systems. This universal order of the Fathers own Self-expression, is the means by which God in the Great Central Sun incrementally lowers the Presence and Power of His Universal Being/Consciousness, so that successive evolutions in time and space, from the lowest to the highest, may come to know the wonder of His love. The criterion that determines one's place on this ladder of life, called hierarchy, is the level of one's spiritual/physical attainment. This is measured by his balanced self-awareness "with Christ hidden in God" and the demonstration of his law through his Love in the mind-matter cosmos.