Enter into World Transmutation

Let ring upon ring saturate you now, O souls of light, that you may walk throughout this twelvemonth, gathering, sowing and intensifying the sacred fire and placing before you such determination that even the worlds that have been framed will shake for your sake.

Lo, I AM the Lord of the World. And you have seen the upheavals of these days. I ask you, then, to call to Hercules and Amazonia to bring righteousness to the hearts of many, to the hearts of all those throughout the earth who move against their God and his rod.

May you listen well, for surely this is the day and the hour when those things that come upon the earth will not be able to be turned back. And even if you would turn back your footsteps and the message of your body temples, so you may not necessarily fulfill that challenge. You have seen changes in the planetary body, and you have understood what can come upon this planetary home.

Now in this moment of silence, visualize me as yourself and yourself as myself. Let us be as one. For, as I am Gautama Buddha, this day I magnetize to my heart that oneness with all life that you might achieve.

May you take the fruit of Maitreya. May you take the fruit of Shamballa. May you take that fruit, beloved ones, and know that there is a way out. And the way out is an acceleration of consciousness and a sense that you must enter into world transmutation. That transmutation will elevate your souls, your children, their embryonic structures and all that must be done ere these things that have lasted long in the earth must be cast into the sacred fire.

What will the women do? What will the children do? What shall come upon this civilization?

In large part and in large measure, it is up to you, beloved ones. For you are the owners of your own planetary system. You are the ones who come before the God of very gods. You are the ones who must be determined to bring such transmutation through the violet flame as to erase and erase again all that should never have been.

Take Advantage of the Masters’ Presence with You

Meditate with me now upon Lord Maitreya that you might know his Presence over you and your households and over your hearts and those very points of your being that now must go into the violet flame.

The Messenger has told you of the ascension of El Morya. Beloved ones, you have not taken the opportunity that El Morya has given you to erase so much of your karma. This has been the opportunity at hand from El Morya and from Kuthumi likewise and also Djwal Kul. Know this, beloved.

Know, then, that the world can change and become a tremendous force for good or the world can go down in darkness. And even we know not the extent of that darkness, for there is so much darkness across the land.

I point out to you the mild season you have enjoyed in this beautiful valley, while all the world has suffered tremendously. Remember, beloved hearts, how the ascended hosts of the Great White Brotherhood have never left you, have always remained with you and have always been determined to raise you up to the point of your highest manifestation, the very pinnacle of Self.

You Must Desire the Ascension

Know, then, beloved, the great joy and rejoicing of your God. Know also, as you study the world, which is shrinking, what can happen upon the planetary body where minds do not have a sense of oneness with God and a desire to enter into the very Godhead itself. And realize that what has happened can happen again.

Yet in our very midst we have seen many loved ones moving beyond–entering into Luxor, attaining their ascension and finding the way to becoming Ascended Masters. And thereby they are able to look back upon you and draw you into tremendous heights. These heights, beloved, have to do with this very day and this very moment, because you too can raise up all souls of light on the planet who have the wherewithal to accelerate consciousness.

We have spoken to you of balancing 51 percent of your karma and how necessary it is. Remember, beloved, that if you are to attain your ascension, you must have that ascension desire even while you walk throughout the world in the footsteps of the Ascended Masters.

Let the Rain of Violet Flame Descend!

Now then, beloved, whereas so much has come upon this planetary home, we ask you, in the name of our beloved Saint Germain and Portia, to let the rain of the violet flame descend that many souls of light might be purged of their own negative karma and reach out, level upon level, to higher states of individual consciousness.

Let the Holy Spirit now enter into your temple, and let the temple be cleansed! And let the white fire core of being be cleansed. Let the four lower bodies be cleansed. Let the power of the Great Central Sun be made known to you.

May the victory of life be the candle that burns in the night. May all things that are rightfully yours come to you. And let go of those things that are not rightfully yours. Therefore covet not, for this is a commandment of your Lord God.

Revere the Buddhas and the Divine Mother

Close at hand are the Buddhas who sit at your side. Are they not a testimony of our God and the victory of our God? Let us, then, revere the Buddhas. For, beloved, they could not be more tangible in your midst than they are in this very moment.

The reverence for the Divine Mother throughout the worlds beyond this is an ennobling cause. And when the manifestation of that Divine Mother envelops all peoples, principalities, kingdoms and manifestations, you will see that nothing in this world can stop the movement of woman and her offspring. So see this, beloved, and know it, that this is the goal wherein you might discover an emancipation that leads to your oneness with the Cosmic Virgin.

As I hold my hands in this mudra, will you also hold your hands in this mudra so that you might know that the left and the right hand is the opportunity for you to transcend yourself, for some of you, even before 51 percent of your karma is balanced.

Souls of Light Hold the Balance for Earth

We must have upon earth more souls of light who can hold this balance. Nevertheless, we have indeed many, many souls of light who keep the flame for mankind, and many are here today. For you have striven for aeons, lifetimes and centuries, and now this final action of the Light will come to pass because you personally have passed your initiations.

I, Gautama Buddha, will not reveal to you who these individuals are. But I will tell you, because they are in the earth (some of them not known to others in the earth), there has been a staying, a major staying, of upheavals in the planet.

Therefore, with gratitude I send you a tremendous opening of joy and a tremendous manifestation. For many of you have internalized the Light and have given so many hours of decrees and prayers in this court that many situations have been mitigated or entirely wiped out. Claim your victory, beloved ones, and keep on keeping on.

I shall return. And I tell you, I will never leave you alone. Therefore come into the oneness of universal manifestation and be at peace.

Let the peace that passes all understanding be yours, and may your victory be swift. This we say in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.


Vol. 41 No. 24 – Beloved Gautama Buddha – June 14, 1998

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