Jesus Christ and Saint Germain -Guides of the Aquarian Age

Jesus Christ and Saint Germain - Signposts of the Aquarian Age The Ascended Masters Jesus Christ and Saint Germain who transmit the torch of Christ Consciousness and the I AM WHO I AM for the Pisces and Aquarian Dispensations, are known within the long history of the earth and its evolutions as great deliverers of the fires of freedom [...]
What you are or are not, you have earned-the good, the bad and the nasty

What you are or are not, you have earned-the good, the bad and the nasty. That is the nature of karma. What you do or do not possess you can change. That is also the nature of karma. That's because karma is not fate. Karma can help us understand how we came [...]
Aquarius will become a golden age only if you make sure of it

The coming Aquarian Age brings us the awareness of God as the Holy Spirit and as the Divine Mother. Aquarius can become an age of freedom, peace and enlightenment. It can become a time of technological advancement combined with spiritual development. It can become a time of detachment from the past. Chananda, head [...]
Chelas who would also like to come to Darjeeling

The violet transmuting flame is the energy of the sacred fire that is the gift of the Ascended Master Saint Germain to chelas of the will of God in this age. The dispensation for releasing the violet flame into the hands and use of students in this century came from [...]
You Must Bring Forth Again in the Age of Aquarius

Many of You Made Scientific Discoveries on Atlantis That You Must Bring Forth Again in the Age of Aquarius. I, then, would tell you that what you have heard in my prophecies for South America and the world is but a mere portent of things to come. I would tell you that never in your history since you first placed your [...]
Sanat Kumara's mission on Earth

Sanat Kumara anchored a ray of light from his heart as a thread of contact with each one evolving on the planet Earth, nourishing and sustaining that flame and assisting the Holy Christ Self to quicken the Christ consciousness. Without that assistance, mankind en masse would have gone through the second death, and the planet [....]
The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis

Introduction The teachings of Jesus Christ on Atlantis are taken from the records of akasha, which have been open to me specifically for the purpose of giving you new information today. What is akasha? It is the substance on which is recorded every deed, every act and thought that has ever taken place anywhere in [...].
Insanity in the mentality of many on earth

Make a difference! Anything is possible. - Ladies and gentlemen, in my retreat stay in Viti Levu I am concerned with every aspect of the earthly body - the planes of the earth, the seas and the depths of the deep. I am concerned with the balance of forces in the earth, of the [...]
We would like to see transformed and erased charges on elemental life - Part 2

Beloved ones, do you know that the violet flame used with intensity, especially in that forty-eight-hour cycle with Omri-Tas, harmful weeds, poisons, the insects that bite and sting and that cause all kinds of diseases in people, viruses at the level of people's bodies and the whole evolution of the planet - [...]
Who is Saint Germain?

Saint Germain is the Chohan of the seventh ray and God of Freedom for the earth during the coming cycle of 2000 years. During each cycle of 2000 years, one of the Chohans of the rays is the authority for the earth, as each period falls under one of the rays. The respective Chohan [...]